The Rested Toddler Course

Your essential guide to better toddler sleep

Imagine feeling like the true expert on your toddler's sleep.

Better yet, imagine feeling at peace about their sleep.

  • No more bedtime battles.
  • No more unsustainable nights.
  • No more wondering what you need to change or if you are doing it right.
  • No more doubts.

Just more confidence, knowledge, and better sleep for the whole family.

Let me guess ...

  • You’ve probably wanted this for a while but it isn’t a reality in your home yet because it’s hard to find reliable information.

  • You might feel embarrassed to talk about your toddler’s sleep because it feels like everyone else’s toddler is sleeping great.

  • You know you don’t want to sleep train, but yet there are things you want to change. Things you want to optimize. But you don't know how.

Guess what!

You don’t need to scour google to find something
that actually feels in line with your parenting.

You don’t need to ask other toddler parents because guess what! Google doesn’t know your child. Other parents aren’t parenting *your* toddler.

You need information that is aligned with your parenting.

You need resources that take into account the uniqueness of your child.

If you’re ready to confidently step into your rested toddler mom era.

To truly be the expert on your toddler’s sleep, I created something just for you.

The Rested Toddler


A comprehensive 12 month to 4 year sleep course empowering you with the tools, resources, and expertise you need to foster better sleep for your toddler.

The toddler webinar was very insightful! I implemented some of the tips and we are starting to see some improvements. I’m so glad that I attended the webinar! There was a lot of good information presented in a way that was not overwhelming.

Melissa R.

the workshop

so glad I attended

I love having Brittni’s knowledge at my fingertips to reference whenever we need. The guide regarding incorporating partners into bed time was really helpful as well as the transitioning out of bedsharing guide. I’m looking forward to reading some of the other guides as needed!

Shaina M 

really helpful

the guide was

Me and my husband bought your toddler sleep webinar and I truly want to thank you for the information. It is hard not to get caught up in social media and your webinar made me feel seen as a mom who still breastfeeds, cosleeps, and is having a hard time getting their toddler to bed/staying asleep. We have already incorporated some of your tips and I see my daughter having longer stretches of sleep! Thank you again.

Niki G. 

me feel seen

your webinar made

The role attachment & emotion play in cultivating better sleep

Module 1: Attachment & Emotion

Look Inside

Here's What We'll cover

What’s normal in toddler sleep
Who your toddler is developmentally and how this impacts sleep
Working with your toddler’s personality to optimize sleep

Module 2: Who Your Toddler Is

Naps & nap transitions
How much sleep does your little one actually need?
How do we fall asleep?
Cultivating healthy sleep hygiene for your little one
Red Flags: What’s not normal in toddler sleep
How to get longer stretches of sleep

Module 3: Sleep 101

Bedtime Battles
Night Weaning
Transitioning to independent sleep
The path to falling asleep independently
Early Rising
Split Nights
Including your partner in  sleep routines/nighttime wakings 
and more!

Module 4: Solutions to Common Sleep Challenges 

Ready for peaceful bedtimes, more sleep, and the swagger of a rested toddler mom?

when you enroll today you are getting:

  • Access to over 3 hours of recorded lessons (broken down into short, digestible videos designed to make it easy for busy and tired parents to get the information they need-QUICK). 
  • These videos also have closed captions and transcripts for the parents who prefer no audio.
  • Downloadable audio files so you can listen to the course on the go (or while contact napping)
  • A beautifully curated accompanying course workbook that takes the learnings from the course even deeper (giving you real-life examples to incorporate changes in your home)

today's price

total Value:



I'm Brittni

a Certified Infant Sleep Specialist and mama to a spirited 4.5 year old.

I’m passionate about making infant and toddler sleep less stressful and more enjoyable for parents. I want to give you the tools, education, resources and confidence that I wish I had in my first year as a mother.

Frequently Asked Questions

As soon as you purchase you will be granted access to the course

No, my courses are not refundable due to the intellectual property nature of the course.

There is nothing unresponsive in this course. It is my top priority to promote responding to and supporting tears.

Given that I work holistically, I respect and understand that each family has a unique child and unique goals/needs. So, I can’t give an exact time BUT I will say that you will walk away with the knowledge and tools you need to start making changes as soon as you want to. Each lesson will bring insight and education that will lead you to better sleep.

Absolutely! When you purchase you will enter their email address and choose a password for them which you can then pass along to them.

You will have lifetime access (so if you have more than one child you can refer back to it as many times as you’d like). You will also have immediate access to any updates I make to the course.

Brittni is great. We have been working with her for a while dealing with sleep issues with both kids. She’s been super supportive of helping our little ones (7 month, almost 8 months old and 2.5 year old) get some good sleep while being responsive which is great. She has lots of great ideas to try and has provided so much knowledge even outside of sleep! She’s always there to encourage and give you advice when it seems like there is no solution. So refreshing when most sleep consultants want you to separate from your kids and not form “bad habits".

Sarah R.

to encourage

Brittni is always there

I’ve been working with Brittni since my baby girl was 5 months old and she’s now 16 months old and my son was 2, now 3 years old. She has helped me through all the crazy ups and downs of baby sleep, teething, iron deficiencies, and more. Not only that, but she has and continues to make feel like I’m not alone. All of her suggestions, plans, and techniques have led me to feel more comfortable in my decisions as a mother. No words can truly explain how thankful I am for her. I look forward to continue working with her in the future!

Sophie G.

I'm not alone

make me feel like

If you're wondering ...

Is the Rested Toddler Course for me?

This is for you if ...

You want to remain responsive and respectful to your child

You have a little one 12 month to 4 years

You want to understand your child’s sleep and who they are

You want to maximize sleep in your home and do so in a way that honors and respects
your child

You’re ready to make changes to sleep

This is NOT for you if ...

You want to sleep train (cry it out, ferber, etc)

You want one size fits all advice on toddler sleep

Better toddler sleep is calling

It’s time to answer!

Enroll today in The Rested Toddler for sweeter dreams *tonight*